
Jr. High Classes

Language Arts

7th English

During this course, there are numerous vocabulary lessons that are related to English and literature materials. A high level of learning in grammar, spelling, and listening skills are stressed.

8th English

During this course there are numerous vocabulary lessons that are related to English and literature materials. A high level of learning in grammar, spelling, and listening skills are stressed. 

7th Reading

This is a semester course that covers several different literature units with emphasis on attention to detail. Units include: fables, short stories poetry, mythology, drama and a novel. The novel that will be covered is the adventure of Tom Sawyer.

8th Reading

This is a semester course that continues to cover different types of literature (fables, short stories, mythology, drama, plays, novels, etc.), but at a more in-depth level. There will be more emphasis placed on the elements of the literary styles than in the previous study. Emphasis is also placed upon implied and explicit reading.


7th Math

A one year course that reviews the use of basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division procedures. These procedures are expanded by adding fractions and decimals. The course also introduces algebraic thinking and geometry.

8th Math

A one year course that expands upon basic math knowledge by applying it to problem-solving. There are a number of topics that are covered including geometry, ratios, proportions, percents, statistics, integers, probability, and graphing.


7th Science

During the year of life science, the students are introduced to the basic concepts, measuring, and tools of science, specifically the microscope, a unit of plants is followed by a leaf collection. A unit of animals is followed by a research project and a related field trip. The cell and the systems of the human body are studied, followed by a dissection of a frog from comparison studies. There is a unit of ecology to finish the year.

8th Science

This is a year-long coursed divided into a semester of earth science and a semester of physical science. The first semester will cover several topics including the atmosphere, weather patterns, the solar system, including earth, moon, sun, and stars. The physical science semester will cover topics like waves, sound, magnetism, electric current, electricity, and electronics.

Social Studies

7th Social Studies

Seventh Grade World Geography includes a study of the countries of the earth with an emphasis on the United States. A relationship between people, movement, location, places, and the environment will be given special attention. World Geography students will also learn the physical features, cultures, and customs of the people of the different areas of the world. The continents and countries of the earth will also be studied within this framework.

8th Social Studies

Eighth grade U.S. History covers the history of America from the colonial period through World War Two. A study of the U.S. Constitution and Illinois State Constitution will also occur in this class.


8th Word Processing

Word Processing is a one-semester course in, which students are instructed in the areas of creating text, saving, printing, and opening documents. They practice moving the insertion point and correcting the text. Instruction is also given in formatting and text enhancement. Emphasis is placed on proofreading, as wells as, using the spell check feature to create a perfect copy. The students learn to key a number of business documents including letters, memos, and reports. Keyboarding is a prerequisite for this class.

Exploratory Classes

7th Study Skills

This is a semester course that will help the 7th graders in their transition from the elementary school to the junior high. This class will cover a variety of subjects to help the students become more organized and better students. In this class they will cover 8 topics! (Goals, Organization, Using the Library, Character Building, and Strategies in Reading, Writing, Memory, and Testing) Grades for this class will be based on daily homework grades, preparation for class, locker checks, professional dress days, and Attitude and Character.

Physical Education

Physical Education

This is a two-semester course that concerns itself with the education of the body through sports and game activities. The following areas will be emphasized:

  • Physical fitness and endurance (Cardiovascular conditioning)
  • Team and individual sports
  • Sportsmanship – the building of character
  • Lifetime sports – leisure and interests
  • Rules, techniques, and strategies of sports and games
  • Social values – getting along with others
  • Motor skills development
  • Leadership
  • The value of stretching and warming up.

Some of the units that we will be covering are softball, archery, soccer, basketball, volleyball, weight lifting, physical fitness, track and field, badminton, ping pong, scooter games, gymnastics, and a host of game activities.


This one semester course taken during seventh grade phsical eduation that includes topics relating to daily living. Included topics are: personality, emotional, and mental health; tobacco, alcohol and drugs; nutrition and fitnuess; communicable, chronic and degenerative disease, sexuality and its responsibilities. Course work involes outside reading and reports, speakers, and films.

2024-2025 Graduation Requirements

A minimum of 24 credits are needed for graduation. These credits must include:
4 Credits of English
3 Credits of Mathematics (Accounting will meet math requirements for senior only)
3 Credits of Science (General and Biology I, and an elective)
3 Credits of Social Studies (Including: US History, World History, Civics, Ethnic Studies)
1 Credit in Fine Arts, Foreign Language or CTE
0.5 Credit of Health
2 Credits of PE (Unless waivered out)
0.5 Credit of Resource Management
1 Credit of computer applications
Remainder of credits in electives.+

Additional Requirements:
30 Total Community Service/Volunteer Hours completed during High School