Dear Parents/Guardians,
Windsor CUSD #1 welcomes and encourages parents, grandparents and anyone that cares about children and education to consider volunteering their time to our district. The district utilizes volunteers in a variety of capacities including field trip chaperones, classroom helpers, classroom readers and lunchroom supervision, etc. To ensure the safety and security of all children and staff members, anyone interested in volunteering is required to complete the following.
1. Volunteer Application Form
This is an application form to be completed, which provides the preliminary information needed to consider your interest in volunteering. Please complete this application form in its entirety and return it to the district.
2. Disclosure and Authorization
To ensure the safety of each and every student, our district will complete a background check on each individual interested in volunteering in a supervisory role. The check may consist of the following:
– Nationwide Criminal Background Check – As required by Insurance Carrier/District Policy
– Nationwide Sex Offender Registry – Required by Law- State Sex Offender Registry – Required by Law
– Child Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry – Required by Law- Any other checks as required by law
– References listed on the application – As necessary/applicable- Employer(s)/Previous employer(s) – As necessary/applicable
Please complete the Disclosure and Authorization Form and return it to the district.
3. Summary of RightsThe Summary of Rights explains your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This information is for you to read and keep. There will not be any inquiry ran for your credit report to volunteer.
4. Acknowledgment of Mandated Reporter StatusEach supervising volunteer is required to become familiar with the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and sign the acknowledgment form included with this information. Please return this form to the district.
The District wishes to reiterate that this form is for those who will in charge of students while volunteering. Adults who are in a non-supervisory role will not be required to fill out this form.
Upon complete review of your application form and appropriate verifications, the district will notify you of acceptance to volunteer with the district. This process may take up to 10 days to complete.
Erik VanHoveln